Imogen Cheese
UK melanoma patient conferenceImogen Cheese is a Melanoma patient based in Gloucestershire. She was diagnosed Stage 2c in June 2013. Imogen created a website blog shortly after diagnosis, www.melanomarollercoaster.co.uk, and subsequently become involved in patient awareness & knowledge of Melanoma.
She serves as an advocacy representative at numerous conferences and events across Europe, helps provide the PPI representation for many research initiatives and is dedicated to improving patient engagement within clinical trials, specifically relating to patient care and access to quality across the UK.
She is founder and director of Melanoma Patient Conference CIC, a non-profit organization to manage an ongoing annual conference aimed at patients. The conference provides an opportunity to learn about Melanoma and current treatment options and to gain access to support all over the UK. It is attended by more than 300 patients, carers, and medical professionals and has formed a platform that is impartial, empowering, and motivating.
Imogen has been a trustee for Melanoma Focus for about 4 years now, having been encouraged by founder Simon Rodwell to bring her patient perspective to the trustee board. Professionally Imogen Cheese works as Director of Business Development UK & Europe for Imperial CRS a US based clinical company. Her role is to work with clients to providing support on Patient Recruitment & Engagement, Translation & Ancillary Study Supplies for global clinical trials.